Important Aspects To Keep In Mind While Cooking With Organic Garlic Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Various questions arise in your mind when you desire to cook using organic garlic extra virgin olive oil. It is prudent to have answers to those questions to use such olive oil for cooking properly.


Is it possible to cook using extra virgin olive oil?

The prompt answer to this inquiry is yes. It is the main cooking fat used to cook Mediterranean dishes. However, when you use extra virgin olive oil, you must remember that you should not heat it past the smoke point. If you do such, it will release free radicles, destroying the health benefits you can have with extra virgin olive garlic extracts.

You can use such oil to make Greek salad dressings, basil pesto, pasta sauce, marinade, beef kebabs, or even roast vegetables.


Is it possible to have health benefits by cooking with extra virgin olive oil?

It is quite possible to have all the associated health benefits of olive oil and garlic when you use organic garlic extra virgin olive oil for cooking. Such oil is rich in healthy fats. Using such oil for daily cooking can help to decrease the risk of stroke and offer protection against heart diseases. It is also helpful to control weight. The oil can remove harmful bacteria that reside in our stomachs. It is an excellent source of antioxidants. It also reduces the risks of type II diabetes. Moreover, as this olive oil has garlic, you can expect the additional benefit of garlic.

Is it that EVOO loses its benefits when cooked

We just knew about the health benefits that one can have using EVOO. However, it bothers you whether cooking with it decreases its health benefits. It is generally believed that EVOO loses its health benefits when heated. However, a study conducted by the University of Barcelona detailed that there is a partial loss; however, you can still have health benefits from the oil. So, do not hesitate to cook using organic garlic and extra virgin olive oil.


What to keep in mind while cooking with olive oil 

There are a few things we recommend to remember when cooking with olive oil. First, be careful when heating the oil to have the best flavor. We say to heat the oil till shimmering, but not past its smoking point. Secondly, use a splatter guard when cooking with olive oil. If the ingredients have some water, the oil will splatter, so it is best to have some guard against such splatter.

Is it possible to bake using EVOO?

It is possible to bake using organic garlic and extra virgin olive oil. Even if you are a butter lover, you will agree that using olive oil makes it possible to complete most tender and moist baked items.

Fermented Garlic Cloves in Honey

So, now you know some essential aspects of cooking using EVOO. To order organic garlic extra virgin olive oil, call Sonoma Farm. They make it possible to have the best products manufactured at their FDA-inspected facilities at an affordable price. Call them at 708 834 0025 to place your order.

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Use Store-Bought Genuine Organic Garlic Extra Virgin Olive Oil As A Safer Alternative

Garlic and olive oil always go together well. But when you unite them both by infusing the garlic into the olive oil, you get an intense blend of flavors.  Unfortunately, when fresh garlic is added to olive oil, the Clostridium botulinum, the microorganism responsible for botulism food poisoning, can potentially grow in the infusion. For this reason, reputable producers of infused olive oils use special infusing processes and follow strict guidelines, producing their oils in small batches to ensure safety and make the best quality organic garlic extra virgin olive oil available in the market.

Store-Bought Infused Olive Oils.

The botulism bacterium thrives in alkaline environments. That’s why the low-acidity vegetables and herbs like garlic provide a favorable medium for these microorganisms. For that reason, commercially prepared organic garlic olive oil undergoes a unique process to acidify the garlic before adding it to the olive oil. This process insures the resulting infused oil will be free of the botulism bacterium.

Additionally, commercial olive oil infusions should be kept at room temperature in a cool, dry environment shielded from light. And even with proper storage, the oil should be used within three months. After this period, the oil may go rancid, and while it will usually not cause a difference in the taste or odor of the oil, it will diminish the antioxidant properties of the oil and can even have negative impacts on health.


Homemade Infusions

While it is possible to make a garlic oil infusion at home, the safest way to do so is to make the infusion using dried garlic rather than fresh. Botulism bacteria require water to flourish, which makes it suited to fresh garlic. Dried garlic, on the other hand, considerably reduces the risk of such food borne illnesses by depriving the bacteria of the water it needs. Homemade garlic oil made this way can be stored and used in the same manner as commercially produced oils.


If you do elect to use fresh garlic, there are extra precautions you need to follow to ensure a safe product. Place two or three fresh garlic cloves in a container. Meanwhile, bring a quarter-cup of vinegar to a boil. Allow this heated vinegar to cool to room temperature before pouring it over the garlic cloves. Then pour in the oil and put the lid on the container.

Keep this oil refrigerated and use preferably within a month, and definitely within three months. Refrigeration will cause the oil to solidify, so warm it in a skillet or set it out at room temperature for 30 minutes to soften.


Use of Organic Garlic Extra Virgin Olive Oil

For organic garlic extra virgin olive oil, there’s no better choice than Sonoma Farm. They produce a reliable, safe, and quality organic garlic EVOO and make it available online at a great price. Used properly, it can be added to a wide variety of dishes to add an extra zing of flavor. Try it as a dipping sauce for crusty bread or as the base for a salad dressing.


Drizzle it over pasta dishes with a sprinkle of grated Parmesan. A garlic olive oil adds a wonderful flavor when cooking or roasting as well. You can drizzle it on steamed or roasted vegetables right before serving. So long as you are mindful not to exceed the smoke point of the oil, you can use it to sauté vegetables. You can even enhance the oil by adding dried herbs or peppers, following the same safety precautions as for the garlic.

Are you ready to try genuine organic garlic extra virgin olive oil? Then visit Sonoma Farm at to browse their range of products and place your order today!

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Organic Garlic Extra Virgin Olive Oil- A Way To Prepare Gourmet Food To Suit Your Need

Food is central to all our lives. We all need to eat to live, and food powers us when we’re working, playing, and even just sleeping. No matter if it’s mental exertion or physical activity, we are never at our best on an empty stomach. But food is more than just fuel – we also crave a variety of enticing flavors, aromas, and textures.To keep our bellies full, we need to keep our recipes interesting and delicious. Fortunately, chefs and home cooks alike have a simple way to do just that – with infused extra virgin olive oils. These versatile oils can be used in a variety of recipes and can bring a range of great flavors into your food.


Good food starts with good ingredients. That’s why every cook that’s passionate about serving delicious food to their family, friends, guests, and customers makes sure to use only the best, freshest, and highest quality ingredients. And they strive to use a variety of ingredients to bring a full palette of flavors into their cooking, including fresh herbs, dried spices, garlic, vegetables, or other ingredients. But infused olive oils offer an easier way to bring all manner of flavors into your cooking.

Use them to add an extra zing of flavor to a finished dish, or as a base on sauces or marinades to incorporate their infused ingredient into the finished product. And infused oils bring in the health benefits of extra virgin olive oil, making them a guilt-free way to bring in extra flavor.


For instance, consider garlic-infused olive oil. It’s a simple ingredient, but one that can enhance the taste of almost any food with just a few drops. And Sonoma Farms’ Organic Garlic Extra Virgin Olive Oil is made from the best, all-natural ingredients. It makes an excellent gift for the chef, foodie, or home cook in your life. A simple drizzle of this oil will bring the fragrant, subtle essence of garlic into your favorite dishes. Once you try it, you’ll want to add this incredibly versatile oil to just about every savory dish you make.


Use this organic garlic-infused olive oil as a base for salad dressings, or to jazz up grilled vegetables or pasta salad. It combines well with either red pasta sauces like marinara or creamy sauces like alfredo and makes a great finishing touch to Italian dishes of all kinds from meatballs to creamy mushroom pastas. Use it as an ingredient in a quick marinade for seafood, chicken, or beef – and it works equally well for meat alternatives like tofu. Add just a few drops to stews or soups just before serving to add a kick of extra flavor. It works well with egg dishes of all sorts. It pairs well with everything from smoked chicken to spicy grilled shrimp to roasted tomatoes.


Are you ready to bring the guilt-free flavor of organic garlic olive oil into your dishes? Are you ready to branch out into other infused olive oils and their possibilities? Then turn to Sonoma Farm – their selection, quality, and price can’t be beat. To learn more about their products, or to place your order, visit their website today .

For more information email at or call at (708) 834-0025.

Using Organic Garlic Extra Virgin Olive Oil – The Ideal Way To Make Dishes Tasty

If you want to find a single ingredient that can give your dishes an extra dimension of flavor, you need look no further than a bottle of organic garlic extra virgin olive oil. And with reliable, quality suppliers making it available online, there’s never been an easier time to add it to your pantry.


The best garlic olive oil is made by pressing fresh garlic and infusing it into 100% pure extra virgin olive oil, with no artificial flavors or other additives, and with no other, lesser oils diluting the olive oil. Quality producers use only fresh, natural ingredients without shortcuts in the process to produce an organic garlic extra virgin olive oil that stands apart from imitators. And not only does it offer better flavor, but also offers you the recognized health benefits of both real olive oil and real garlic, which is rich in antioxidants and sulphur compounds.


But getting those health benefits means using garlic olive oil regularly in your diet. So how can you incorporate it into your daily cooking? There are actually a number of ways you can use this oil, and we have just a few suggestions to help you get started.

But first, it’s good to know some basic tips about using infused olive oil. Most importantly, don’t heat the oil beyond its smoke point. Doing so will cause it to release free radicals and will severely diminish if not entirely negate the normal health benefits of both the oil and the garlic. Not to mention, heating degrades the flavor of the oil as well.


How to Use Organic Garlic Extra Virgin Olive Oil

The potent flavor of garlic-infused extra virgin olive oil makes it an excellent addition to your cooking which can enhance the taste of almost any dish. For instance, it makes a great ingredient in aioli, or as a dipping sauce for bread. It also takes just a few drops to liven up sauces, soups, salads, bruschetta, meat, or vegetables.

It makes a good addition to almost any dish on its own, but it can be even better when combined with an infused balsamic vinegar. And there is a wide range of flavored balsamics which can open a whole world of culinary possibilities. Try combining it with a peach or pineapple balsamic to marinate chicken or pork. Or use an espresso balsamic with garlic olive oil for marinating flank steak or chicken.


Oregano balsamic paired with this oil makes a great drizzle for your salad and blending garlic olive oil and almost any balsamic can make a great dipping sauce for bread or a drizzle for roast vegetables.

Let’s look at just a few specific ideas for using a garlic infused olive oil.

Peach and Garlic Salad

This is an easy and delicious salad. Just coarsely chop and drain cucumber and tomato. Next, marinate the cucumbers in peach balsamic vinegar for 30 minutes, then simply mix with the tomatoes and add blueberries, arugula, sea salt, and garlic-infused extra virgin olive oil.


Garlic olive oil also makes a splendid addition to a grilled salad, or as an addition to honey, soy, ginger, and tangerine balsamic glazed wings.

If you’re ready to try the best quality organic garlic extra virgin olive oil, visit Sonoma Farm at their online store or call 708 834 0025 to place your order today. For more information email at

Use Organic Garlic Extra Virgin Olive Oil to Make Healthy and Delicious Meals

Do you love enhancing your dishes with the unique flavor of garlic? And do you love knowing that flavor comes with documented health benefits as well? Then you can’t pass on organic garlic extra virgin olive oil. When bought from a reputable supplier like Sonoma Farm, garlic olive oil is made from only natural ingredients – fresh garlic and 100% pure extra virgin olive oil, with no additives or shortcuts – to ensure you’re getting the full flavor and health benefits of real garlic and real EVOO.


Garlic is an ingredient used all over the world, in a dizzying variety of cuisines, and it’s not hard to understand why. And garlic olive oil lets you include the flavor of garlic in your dishes as well without the work of peeling, crushing, or mincing garlic yourself.

The Best Way to Use Organic Garlic Extra Virgin Olive Oil

You can make delicious salad dressings or vinaigrettes by combining garlic extra virgin olive oil and a fruit-flavored vinegar. Try it with Red Apple Balsamic Vinegar, Raspberry Balsamic Vinegar, Apple White Balsamic Vinegar, or Pineapple Balsamic Vinegar, for just a few of the possibilities.


The great flavor of garlic also makes a great addition to marinades and vinaigrettes. And you can combine it with any of the many flavored vinegars from Sonoma Farm for almost endless flavor combinations.

But don’t think the uses for garlic olive oil end with marinades and vinaigrettes. There are many, many more uses for garlic olive oil in your kitchen! Use it to add flavor to pasta dishes, mashed potatoes, roasted meats, or soups. Or use it as a dipping sauce for bread to make an easy and tasty appetizer.


You can also combine it with different balsamic vinegars for cooking, especially for shrimp or fish. And just a little balsamic vinegar and sesame oil makes a great combination with garlic olive oil for stir-fry or other Asian-style dishes. You can also use garlic olive oil for simple, dynamite roasted potatoes by just tossing cubed potatoes with the oil, salt, and pepper and roasting for 30-45 minutes at 400 degrees.

Liven up a dish of steamed vegetables with just a drizzle of organic garlic extra virgin olive oil and a few sesame seeds, chopped nuts, or fresh basil. Or brush it onto bread to add an extra dimension of flavor to everything from bruschetta to a simple grilled cheese sandwich.


You can even use it to make your own garlic mayonnaise, or as an ingredient in a delicious cilantro and roasted onion hummus.Need a great dipping sauce for spring rolls? This oil is just what you need. And the fresh garlic flavor of this oil can shine through in garlic and lemon broccoli.

With so many ways to use garlic olive oil, it’s a must-have item for any kitchen. And it brings the health benefits of real garlic as an extra bonus!


So, if you want to have the best quality organic garlic extra virgin olive oilbe sure to buy from Sonoma Farm. They use only cold-pressed olive oil and fresh garlic to an unrivalled, all-natural oil, made with meticulous processes at their FDA inspected facility. Call them today at 708 834 0025 to get the best garlic olive oil for your kitchen! For more information email at

The Uses Of Organic Garlic Extra Virgin Olive Oil To Make Dishes Delicious And Healthy

If you desire to have the smooth, nutty flavor and health benefits of garlic in your dishes you cannot avoid buying organic garlic extra virgin olive oil. However, you need to make sure that you buy it from a reputed manufacturer and distributor in the USA and not heat past its smoking point as both will not allow you to have the actual flavor and health benefits.


You must have noticed that garlic is a common ingredient in cooking all over the world and having this oil makes it possible to have that in your cooking without the effort of crushing or grinding garlic.

The best way to use organic garlic extra virgin olive oil

The more subtle, cooked flavor of garlic, makes it easy for you to use it in marinades and even in vinaigrettes. To have a creative combination you can use it with various flavored vinegar. Moreover, you can pair this extra virgin olive oil with different balsamic vinegars and use that while cooking dishes of fish and shrimp. If you desire to use it to stir fry or while cooking Asian-inspired dishes you can also use it with other balsamic vinegar and sesame oil.


If you are in search of pairing to make salad dressings and vinaigrettes, you can use organic garlic extra virgin olive oil with various fruit-flavored vinegar. You will love to use it with Red Apple Balsamic Vinegar, Raspberry Balsamic Vinegar, Apple White Balsamic Vinegar, and Pineapple Balsamic Vinegar.

If you are thinking that you cannot use this nature of extra virgin olive beyond marinades and vinaigrettes, you are wrong in your assumption. You can easily use it to add flavor to pasta dishes, mashed potatoes, roasted meats, and soups. You can also dip toasted bread in it as an easy appetizer. You can cook an amazing dish of roasted potatoes using it. You need to mix this extra virgin olive oil with the required salt and pepper and roast the cubed potatoes at 400 degrees for 30 to 45 minutes.


Moreover, you can turn the dish of steamed vegetables liked by all if you drizzle organic garlic extra virgin olive oil and add to that sesame seeds, chopped nuts, or fresh basil. It is also ideal to use it to make bruschetta. You can brush it over the bread and have an extra flavor of garlic to your grilled cheese sandwich. You can also use this to make garlic mayonnaise at home.

It is also possible to use this extra virgin olive oil, to make a dipping sauce for spring rolls, make garlic and lemon broccoli, and Cilantro and roasted onion hummus.

Sliced garlic on wood background.

The amazing aspect of using this organic garlic extra virgin olive oil is it not only makes the dishes tasty but also offers a way of having the health benefits of garlic.

If you desire to have the best quality organic garlic extra virgin olive oil, it is wise to buy it from Sonoma Farm. They use cold-pressed olive oil and fresh garlic to make this oil at their FDA inspected facility. Call them at 708 834 0025 to place your order. For more information email at .